Show Home Opening is a Roaring Success!
A large crowd gathered at Knockroon on Friday afternoon for the unveiling of the newly furnished wee house show home where Provost Jim Todd was kind enough to cut the ribbon and declare the show home open for viewing.
More than 50 business owners and dignataries attended the event and were delighted to look round the show home as well as the current wee house construction being undertaken by students on our Building Skills Initiative.
The Provost commented on the Building Skills Initiative during his opening speech saying “It is a credit to the boys that they have volunteered for this task. The qualifications they will obtain, alongside a wealth of practical experience, will be a great addition to their CV. Not only that, their confidence in their abilities has improved dramatically.”
And the fun didn’t stop there! The opening event continued though Saturday and Sunday with over 180 people enjoying a glass of bubbly and some chocolates as they wandered round the new show home.
You can read more about the event on the East Ayrshire Council Website here.