The Wee House Company FAQs | Modular Home & Kit House Builders
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How to get a quote for my plot

We would be delighted to look into a plot that you are considering for a Wee House and advise the feasibility. Please send us the following details and we will conduct a feasibility study on your plot.

  • Full address of plot/site including postcode
  • Are there any current or previous planning applications/consents on the site?
    If so, please provide the planning reference number and local authority name.
  • Do you have any site plans e.g. title deeds, previous planning application drawings, etc. that you can provide? If yes, please upload them here.
  • Screenshot from Google Earth with boundary clearly marked**
  • Overall rough budget for project (not including plot)
  • Details of services accessible at plot (if known)
  • End use of Wee House? (holiday home, permanent residence, granny annex etc.)
  • Any other relevant information

**To take a screen shot of your plot, visit this website:

  1. Click on the magnifying glass on the left hand side of the screen
  2. Type in the post code of your plot and press enter
  3. Click on the ‘2D’ button on the bottom right hand side of the screen
  4. Zoom in a little to show your plot clearly
  5. To take the screen shot on a PC, press the PRINT SCREEN button (sometimes shortened to PRT SCR). To take a screen shot from your mobile phone, please go to step 1a below.
  6. Now open up the ‘Paint’ program on your PC and hold down the CONTROL key (CTRL) and press the letter ‘V’ to paste your screen shot.
  7. Using the drawing tools, draw the boundary of your plot on the screen shot, like the below example:

Save this new picture, and you can upload it with the rest of the information requested.

Taking a screen shot from your mobile phone:

1a. All mobile devices are different so please refer to your device manufacturer instructions on how to take a screen shot.

2a. Once you have taken a screen shot of your plot, open it from the ‘images’ folder from your phone. From here, you should be able to click ‘edit’ and then ‘mark up’ and draw your plot boundary.

3a. Save this as a new picture and upload it with the rest of the information requested.

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